If you are reading this, it is my hope that we already know each other, or will get to know one another in the near future. And as we do... you will probably realize my fascination with lions. Hence the name of this hiking club. I have not spent too much time on the concept of reincarnation, but I feel many parallels with female lionesses. It fascinates me how lionesses are the bread winners - how they bring home the food after long, tiring nights of strategic hunting with their female packs, while the male lion stays home to protect their territory.  The day I post this also happens to be my grandmothers birthday (she is debatably more obsessed with these animals than I am), whose last name happens to be "Leewens" - Dutch for "Lions". 'Til this day, one of the most memorable moments in my life was laying next to a dear friend on her farm in South Africa, listening to the male lion roar so close by, we could feel the depth of his roar's vibrations. I couldn't help but dream about the beautiful lionesses roaming around somewhere near us, working through the night to provide for their community. 

It images a comical animal-human comparison to why Josh and I founded this club. He is fiercely passionate about protecting; specifically nature and all things wild. While I share this passion, my reason for starting this is to create an organization with a strong sense of community, and take the lead to offer something different than what is available. I hope to bring fun and friendship into every member's life, even if you join us for a one-off hike. I myself need to get away from the office and step outside as much as possible - to conquer trails, or "hunt" for them if you will, in the company of fun, and curious packs of individuals! I hope you feel my excitement, and that you will get yourself out of your couch | laptop | phone zone, and come outside with us! Always remember...Out of all the paths you take in life, you gotta be sure some of them are dirt. ;)

x Genevieve


genevieve andre de la porte





You make my heart swoon....

Consider that to be the first single on our Mountain Lion Hiking Club Album. One day to be recorded at Rancho V in Pioneertown!

There is not much better than catching a desert bloom, in other words - the entire state of California this Spring. Everywhere we went there were the most incredible wildflowers blooming: native poppies, mustard yellows, cactus blooms, blush pink and wild purple flowers as far as the eye could see. Though I really wished to hunt down Kevin Russ' tracks in the #superbloom infested Carrizo Plains in Central California, I happily settled with the beauties we found in our very own So Cal hiking spots. 

Enjoy the aftermath of the rainy, cosy days that took over our desert climate this Winter. 

x Genevieve